Send unlimited eCards from your preferred email program when you order any eCard. As an alternative, B2B ECARDS offers professional delivery service with each eCard order for an additional fee.
B2B ECARDS Delivery Service is built on the latest technology to give your eCards the best possible chance of successfully landing in your contact's inbox. With over 10 years experience, we have gained extensive insight and built valuable partnerships to achieve our #1 goal of making your eCard campaign a positive experience for all involved.
B2B ECARDS Delivery Service includes email template setup and list management. We track your eCard campaign and provide a status report to let you know which recipients opened your eCard and who unsubscribes.
To order B2B ECARDS Delivery Service, please prepare your list using our Excel formatted B2B ECARDS List Template. Next, select mailing services as you approve your eCard design and add to cart. On the last step of the checkout process you will be asked to upload your list. Please allow 2-3 days for list processing. Within 7 days a tracking report will be sent to you. Let B2B Ecards take the stress out of sending holiday cards!
Price |
$275.00 |
$300.00 |
$350.00 |
$450.00 |
$550.00 |
$650.00 |
$750.00 |